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How To Build a Bird Haven

Author: H. Bird   | August 17, 2023

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Wouldn’t it be incredible to be a bird?
Imagine flying cross-country freely and the views you would get perched atop the Empire State Building or the Golden Gate Bridge. And who wouldn’t want gorgeous feathers? Whether brightly colored or more subdued, they come in every stunning hue! And if you want to attract more winged-wonders to your garden, here are a few things you can do!


Bye-bye lawn or bye-bye birdie. A large swath of flat green turf isn’t doing a thing to invite your feathered friends in. Instead of acting as an airstrip, it’s acting as a “keep away” sign. If they’re going to pop in for a visit or settle down and raise a family, birds need coverage and lots of it. They spend so much of their time being cautious of predators. Birds need your garden to be a safe space for rest and relaxation. A sprawling yard won't do the trick. Skip the lawn-mowing bill and go for a personal wildlife habitat instead. 


Snug shelters for birds can come in the form of accessible bushes, shrubs, trees (even dead ones), and the classic crafty bird house. However, if you do opt for a man-made bird bungalow, make sure that you use one that has ventilation and forego the entryway perch. Perches at the entry point allow competitors to sit and terrorize current occupants trapped inside. Also, be sure to clean your birdhouse in-between tenants to ensure that invasive or threatening species don't take over the home. We also advise keeping natural elements around that birds can use to build their nests with. This means maintaining a strategically placed brush pile. Keep it away from the side of your home to avoid a future pest issue, but allow birds the twiggy tools that they need to build in your mutual sanctuary.


Stay native by researching what plants are indigenous to your region. Planting those will naturally attract birds to your space. Actively removing invasive species helps as well! Doing so creates a natural balance for your little slice of heaven. Solidify your garden as a sort of 'locally owned' feather lounge!  ...more

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Posted in Inspiration